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- A. J. Roman
Once Upon a Time
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A House of Erotica Collection
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Once Upon a Time
published in 2015 by House of Erotica
an imprint of Andrews UK Limited
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Copyright © House of Erotica 2015
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The Maiden Cinderella
A.J. Roman
Cinderella thought she was the only girl in town not going to the palace tonight for the prince’s birthday party, until she found the magic she needed from her own fairy godmother. Soon, she finds herself at the palace, alone with the prince, having a celebration all their own. Unfortunately, her magical evening ended too soon, but not before the prince decided one taste was not enough, and he would not stop until he found her to finish what they started.
There was an excitement in the air, and everyone could feel it. Prince Andrew IV, the third of the king’s four sons, was celebrating his birthday, and the king extended an invitation to everyone in town. This stirred up a frenzy with the unmarried women. The competition for his affections was very high; even the most well-mannered of ladies were known to offer a particular favor in order to be in his company.
One particular maiden did not share in the excitement. Not only was Cinderella not attending the celebration, she was not even mingling with her neighbors at the marketplace. She loved the market, and not just because of the charming and friendly merchants. It was her only time to be away from her stepmother and stepsisters, who delighted in making her life miserable. At least, from her cold attic bedroom, she had one of the best vantages to watch the people at the marketplace. She always found herself watching one merchant in particular: Bianca, the herbalist. She was rather young - not quite thirty, Cinderella guessed - and unapologetically unmarried. She was bright and vivacious, flirting with men and women alike, encouraging them to try her concoctions. She had the entire town enchanted by her. What Cinderella would not have given to have an ounce of her charisma and sex appeal. Bianca never flirted with Cinderella. She guessed it was because the woman pitied her.
“Apples.” Her stepmother did not even look up to acknowledge her presence. “I want fresh apple tarts tomorrow in the morning. They are Madeline’s favorite treat and I suspect we shall have some celebrating to do by the morning.” Cinderella nearly scoffed at the thought. Madeline was the older of her two stepsisters, and while she was tall and slight, she suffered from an unfortunate overbite and hair that reacted adversely to every weather condition.
“Apples, Stepmother? But it is approaching dusk. Far too late for me to be so far into the orchards.”
“Did you think you had a choice, dear? You will have nothing else to do this evening. Fresh apples. A cobbler tonight as well, upon our return.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Cinderella sighed in resignation as she tied her cloak. Again, the peace and quiet she longed for had eluded her.
After an hour, Cinderella’s arms were in pain from dragging two bushels full of apples through the orchard. She stopped when she heard a giggle nearby. She did not know anyone else was in the orchards. She thought her mind was playing tricks on her, but then she heard the woman’s voice again, this time as a moan, followed by two distinct male voices.
At the edge of the creek, she found the source: Bianca, and two men Cinderella recognized as hunters. Bianca was on her hands and knees, with one man at each end. The man behind her fucked her pussy, while the other held her hair in his hands while he slid his cock in and out of her mouth. Beside Bianca’s moans, she only heard the man in her mouth tell her to “suck it deep.”
Without realizing it, Cinderella had untied her bodice and loosened the first few inches, freeing her own breasts. She smoothed her fingers over the tips of her hardened nipples, delighting in the sensation that was traveling to her pussy. She watched as the man fucking Bianca from behind pumped faster and then stopped, pumping one or two more times before he withdrew. Bianca smiled, watching the men switch positions. The larger man slid his cock into her waiting pussy, while the other man brought his spent cock to her mouth. Just as the other man had minutes before, the larger man started pumping harder, and then stopped, burying himself all the way inside her.
“Come here, girl,” Bianca turned to Cinderella, who had not realized she had been discovered. Her breasts were still free and her nipples were still hard. She tried to straighten herself and cover her breasts with her cloak. “No, dear. Come as you are.” Bianca gave Cinderella the same assuring smile that she had seen her give to dozens of her customers at the marketplace.
Bianca looked Cinderella up and down. She had noticed Cinderella around the market several times over the years. She had watched her grow from a shy girl to a young woman who should be preparing for a husband. She watched as Cinderella interacted with her neighbors and townsfolk, but coiled when she was complimented by men. She guessed it was due to her stepmother, a woman who took pride in asserting herself in public by putting Cinderella down. Bianca suspected her stepmother was simply jealous, for Cinderella was more beautiful than her homely daughters. Cinderella’s golden hair was wavy and long, and she was the only girl in town with those special green eyes. Her lips, like her eyes, were unique - full, ripe, and lush, and her skin was milky white. She was of average height and weight, with a narrow waist and slender hips, but her breasts were quite ample.
“Why are you here tonight, Cinderella? Surely you should be at home, preparing for the celebration tonight.”
“I am not allowed to attend,” Cinderella answered. “My stepmother said it is my punishment for breaking her mirror.”
Bianca laughed. “Dear, if I were the mirror, I would be thanking you for putting me out of my misery. The horror that mirror must have felt having to show that woman’s face back to her.” Cinderella could not help but smile. She knew people in town whispered about her stepmother’s undeserving vanity, but no one had ever said so out loud. “You are too easily resolved to not going to the palace tonight. Every woman in town wants to go. Why not you? Do you not want to meet the prince? He is quite handsome, you know. Charming. Very...endowed. He may not be the eldest son, but I suspect he got the crown jewels in the family.”
Cinderella blushed. “I have seen him before, ma’am. He is handsome, yes. But I am not the kind of girl to fetch his attention.”
“No? I disagree, Cinderella. You are everything a man like him should want. You are young. Sweet. Demure.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
Bianca scoffed. “Please, you know my name, child.” Bianca turned and addressed the men. “You do know Marcus and Henry? Excellent hunters, both of them. They know these parts well. And these parts as well.” Bianca runs her hand down her stomach, and the men behind her laugh. “They bring me gifts from the farthest edges of the forests, and I thank them for their efforts. Cinderella, dear, if you learn nothing in life, learn that there is
nothing wrong with being a bit of a whore when you must be. Men will go to the ends of the earth for you if you make his eyes roll back while you roll his coin purse.”
Cinderella smiled and blushed again at the thought of being so bold, even with just one man. Her smile faded and her eyes grew wide when she realized Bianca, still naked, was now only inches from her face, and her hands were fondling her exposed breasts. “I think you should go to the palace tonight. Take his attention. Show him these beautiful breasts. Make him want you.”
Cinderella lowered her eyes. “I don’t know how, ma’am. Bianca. I don’t know how to enjoy a man like you do.”
Bianca smiled. “But you do, girl. Take your garments off.” Cinderella’s breath caught. “Now, girl. You cannot go to the palace in these clothes. Marcus, a fire, please.” The smaller man gathered branches and struck his flint, growing a small fire. Cinderella slowly undressed while Bianca reached into a nearby satchel and pulled a combination of flowers, herbs, and bottles that Cinderella could not make out the contents of. Bianca handed Cinderella’s garments to Marcus before turning her attention back to the shy girl. Bianca went to her and ran her hands down her arms, across her abdomen, and up between her breasts. Cinderella’s nipples hardened, and Bianca grazed her fingertips across each distended tip. “You must relax, or this will not work.” Bianca took a drop from one of the bottles and rubbed it between her fingers, then turned to Cinderella and slid one finger through her folds and against her clit. Immediately, Cinderella tensed.
“Do not stop, Cinderella. Enjoy yourself. Gentlemen, the fire, please.” The men turned away from the women to continue preparing the fire, and Bianca returned her attention to Cinderella’s pussy. Marcus brought another bottle to Bianca, who added two more drops to her fingers. She then inserted her fingers into Cinderella’s pussy. A wave of sensation unlike any she had ever felt took over Cinderella. Bianca’s fingers in Cinderella’s pussy were met with her thumb on her clit while watched as Cinderella’s creamy skin flushed, delighted that her new elixir was doing its job. Suddenly, Cinderella’s cries of pleasure were joined by her shaking body, as wave after wave of climax took over her.
Bianca slowly withdrew her fingers and summoned the men to her. Each of the men took turns licking the juices from Bianca’s hands, ensuring they had cleaned every last drop of Cinderella’s honey. Bianca watched as the men’s eyes turned smoky and they smiled. Yes, she thought, the elixir had worked perfectly.
“Cinderella, my dear, you are going to that party tonight. You are going to have a magnificent time, and you are going to enjoy the company of the prince in a way that any other maiden could only dream of. Gentlemen, please.” Cinderella watched as the men gathered a variety of ingredients, including vegetables, feathers and wild flowers, and tossed them into the pot set over the fire. Peter took Cinderella’s clothing and tossed it into the pot and stirred. Finally, Bianca took another bottle from her satchel and dropped two drops into the pot, followed by a pinch of rosemary and two small plums. Peter stirred the ingredients for another minute before the boiling water settled. Peter reached into the pot and lifted a dress, plum in color, fitted, and shimmering. Cinderella blushed at the thought of this dress on her body. “It’s beautiful, Bianca, but I could never wear this.”
“Nonsense, Cinderella. Come here.” Before Cinderella could object, Bianca took the dress from his hands and opened the bodice. Cinderella raised her arms, and the silky material slid along her curvy frame. The sleeveless gown nearly fell all the way down before Bianca caught the bodice and began cinching it along Cinderella’s frame. Cinderella watched as the gown hugged her body and pushed her breasts up just enough to announce their presence but not to overshadow her as the main attraction. Not quit done with the makeover, Bianca retrieved another bottle and rubbed some of the cream into Cinderella’s hair. Peter reached into the pot and retrieved a plum mask, small enough to conceal only her eyes. Cinderella closed her eyes as Bianca set the mask on. For her final touch, Bianca rubbed a ruby red cream over her lips.
“Cinderella. I think you are my finest work yet.” The men also smile, taking in the goddess that stood before them, a shy young girl mere minutes before. “Marcus and Peter will take you to the palace. They will ensure you make it there and back home safely. My potion will not last all night; perhaps midnight at the latest. Enjoy yourself tonight. Do not worry about the past you cannot change, or the future you are not certain of. You only have right now.” Bianca placed a small pouch in her hand. “In case you find yourself in need of an escape.” Marcus took Cinderella by the hand and escorted her to the small coach behind his horse. The men mounted their horses and they were off, leaving Bianca with another satisfied smile on her beautiful face.
For the first time that Andrew could remember, he was bored at his own party. Perhaps he had been too ambitious to believe that inviting everyone in town would make for a better party. He liked the people in his town, which made him an anomaly among the royals for even knowing the common folk. His problem was that he knew the people in his town too well, and none of them were exciting to him anymore, especially the maidens. His own fault, he supposed. He had already enjoyed every desirable maiden in town, and now he was out of options.
“Your highness! A sight for sore eyes as always!” He knew that annoying voice before he turned to face her. Madeline was one of the maidens in town he had no trouble resisting. She did not have a face he wanted to wake to, nor did she have a disposition that he found tolerable. Of all maidens, she and her mother were the worst at taking no for an answer.
Andrew turned and forced a smile. “Madeline. I trust you are enjoying your evening.” That mask could never conceal enough, he thought.
“Certainly, your highness. Though I think you and I could find more enjoyment somewhere more private.” Madeline smiled, and the prince did all he could to not laugh at her snaggletooth.
“Enjoy the party. You should not squander an evening in the castle with me.” Before she could reply, he hurried away from her as fast as his feet could carry him. He was not in the mood for her relentless advances tonight. He was not in the mood for much tonight. Despite the fact that it was his birthday, he could not imagine a worse gift than to entertain any of these women any longer.
Cinderella searched the palace, but could not seem to find the grand hall, and she was growing tired of searching. Cinderella began to wonder if all of Bianca’s efforts toward getting her here tonight were in vain. It seemed that her evening would end up with her as the fanciest-dressed palace tourist.
As if her luck could not get worse, she suddenly found herself locked out on a balcony. She tried to force the door open, but she was no match for the heavy wooden door. She went to the edge to see where she was, and instantly became dizzy from the heights she found herself at. The evening was cool, and her cloak was being held by the palace guard at the entry. Her evening, as she knew it, was over, and all she could do was wait until her cold dead body was found in the morning.
“Is the party so bad you are ready to end your life?” Cinderella was startled by the voice, unsure of where it was coming from. She looked around but saw no one. “I may not be having fun tonight but the palace will ensure you do.”
“I-I’m sorry, sir, but I am lost. Can you help?”
“None of my guards helped you? I assure you, miss, I will find the irresponsible men and have their heads.” Cinderella turned to see the man emerging from the shadow and nearly fainted, for she did not expect to see the prince himself standing before her.
“Your highness! Please don’t hurt the men. I did not ask for help. I mean, I could have, but I...” Cinderella was silenced by the prince’s hand on her shoulder. She looked at him before her and studied his handsome face, his jaw ticking as his fingers traced her arm up and down.
“Relax, miss. I will not hurt anyone. Though I am more
likely to believe that my men were not being disobedient as I am that they were hiding you away. That is the only reason I can think for why I have not seen you tonight.” His steel blue eyes met with hers, and for a moment she thought she should run. A girl of her station had no business in the company of the prince. Yet she found that she was not scared at all. On the contrary, she had every desire to lean in and take the prince’s bottom lip between her teeth.
“How would you know if you had not seen me tonight? Have you made the acquaintance of every lady in the palace?”
The prince smiled. “As a matter of fact, yes, I have. It was my duty to greet and thank every lady in town for the gift of their presence tonight. Every. Last. Lady. I tell you, miss, it was a task more tedious than any you can imagine.”
“I doubt that, your highness.”
“Andrew, please. What do you imagine to be worse than prying unwelcome fingers from your belt all night?”
“Well, being on my hands and knees, for one.”
Andrew smiled. “That is tedious? You being on your hands and knees would be pure heaven for me.”
Cinderella reached forward to touch the lapel on the prince’s coat. “Certainly the things have to do on my hands and knees are not at all enjoyable. The things I want to do on my hands and knees? Well, that would be another story altogether.”
The prince’s hands slid down Cinderella’s arms and down to her waist. “Do tell me, miss. What do you prefer?”
Cinderella smiled. Certainly the prince appreciated her, if the tightness in the front of his pants was any indication. “If I am to be on my hands and knees, I want something round and hard in my hands, but I prefer that it not be a sanding stone. And I want to rock back and forth on my hips, so long as I am not reaching for a tight corner. And if you must know, I rather enjoy a sheen on my face, but not because I labored to the point of pure exhaustion.”